Design of MUGO's interactive iOS app

A complete initial design of MUGO's mobile app, focusing on latest design trends and great user experience for MUGO's users.


In the last 25 years there has been an upward trend in visiting arts, culture, and heritage sites. [1] With Covid-19 cases going down, museums and art galleries are slowly opening up again. MUGO is a mobile application that makes it easier for users to find museums and galleries near them or their desired destination.

[1] Broader population sampling conducted on behalf of AAM by Wilkening Consulting, 2018

The Problem

Finding the best and most popular museums and art galleries in a new travelling destination could be difficult at times. It’s time to make finding and planing art gallery visits easier.

“I would love to find an easier and more efficient way of visiting an art gallery.” How can we make the whole experience simple and effortless?
Figure 1. MUGO's overview.


After doing market and user research I began to gather theoretical data and human experiences and understood how to start designing Hugo with the overall goal of generating value for both user and market.

My directional hypothesis was if users can search, view visiting availability, plan and book their visit in advance, their overall visit experience would be positively impacted.

Our museums speak volumes about our past and present...

Research & Analysis

User research focuses on understanding user behaviours, needs, and motivations through observation techniques, task analysis, and other feedback methodologies. We have conducted 25 user interviews with individuals who are into museums and art galleries.

User interviews

There was plenty of data available to us, so we used this to accurately define their user base, the way these users behaved and several possible use cases for the app. Here are some common users answers labeled as P1, P2, and P3.

Question Persona #1 Persona #2 Persona #3

7)Do you usually purchase tickets online or do you line up at the door?

8)Was there an art piece that you liked?


I remember the screaming heads that were in Magnetawan. The artist had the heads and the hands coming out of the fields to look as if they were survivors from a ship wreck waiting to be rescued.

At the door.

There were so many great pieces in Aga khan but the multicultural live performance definitely caught my attention. The artist invites visitors to have their stories woven into a traditional Iranian rug. That symbolized the coming together of humanity in harmony.

I have a pass.

The piece that touched me and had a great impact was “The Massacre of the Innocents” by Peter Paul.

Figure 2. MUGO's user interview.

With common scenario’s in place, we were able to define detailed personas, using our interview data pool. The personas looked something like this:

Persona #1 Persona #2 Persona #3
Name & Job Katie, Freelance Creative Ivan, Manager Michael, Interior Designer
Age group 18-24 y.o. 25-34 y.o. 35-44 y.o.
Motivation and benefits of product usage

Fast and modern way to buy an art gallery ticket and to watch art pieces online. Discounts on tickets. No need to stand in line, all financial calculations are cashless.

Fast and modern way to buy a ticket. The ability to buy tickets in advance without having to visit the museums. Preselect a good art gallery.

Save time, there is no need to stand in line, minimum time on the organization of the event.

Need and context of use

A frequent visitor of local galleries. Buying a ticket usually occurs on the day of, in large shopping centre.

A quick way to select a cool gallery, gather information about the location, and purchase tickets.

Watching art online is rare, so in most cases they spontaneously attend. It is necessary to choose a gallery close by and maybe buy tickets on the way.


Museums, art galleries and exhibitions.

On average 1 visits per month.

Local Galleries, museums and art seminars.

On average 2 visits per month.

Local Galleries, digital art Galleries and exhebitions.

On average 2 visits per month.

Way to product

Recommended by friends, acquaintances. Promotion or partnerships way.

Recommended by friends, acquaintances. Promotion or partnerships way.

Recommended by friends, acquaintances.

Digital literacy




Figure 3. MUGO's personas.

Without a clear understanding of what your product does, what problems it solves or for whom it solves these problems, ultimately there’s no need for your product. Our goal was to make sure MUGO's app solved typical online ticketing problems in a clear and simple way.

Lo-Fi Wireframe

With the proper planning, we were able to confidently move into creating a lo-fi sketch for the app. We took the decision to focus more on the functionality and structure of the app, opting for low-fidelity wireframes with very little detail. Ultimately, we could add design elements in later, what was important for the users, was that the product (above all) was clear and simple.

Figure 4. MUGO’s lo-fi wireframe.
User testing

User testing is a technique used in user-centered interaction design to evaluate a product by testing it on users. This can be seen as an irreplaceable usability practice, since it gives direct input on how real users use the system. So we decided to use this technique in our app with this tasks:

  1. Log in or Sign up;
  2. Discover local art galleries & museums;
  3. Add something to visit later;
  4. Buy or book a gallery ticket;
  5. Find a specific meuseum via search.
Figure 5. User testing results (before & after redesign).


One major change in the app, was to focus on personalization. Our aim was to improve user engagement by understanding more about a user’s personal preferences, allowing us to predict and tailor relevant galleries & museums to each individual user.

We also needed to create a simpler, easier and more structured way to showcase local art galleries & museums to users. By grouping them into categories and adding promotional features within the app, we created a simple and clear hierarchy users could learn and follow.

Redesigning search allowed us to create a smarter way for users to remember what they’ve previously searched for and to gather suggestions for relevant, popular art galleries & museums.

Creating virtual tickets was one of the most interesting features and experiences within the app. Ultimately, they’re designed to save users time and frustration. With virtual tickets, we removed the need for more traditional means and created an experience became more reliable and user friendly than paper tickets.

Figure 6. MUGO's final iOS application design.


We created a mobile application that is able to perform the business tasks. As the user enters the Home Page, MUGO sets an artistic tone and gives the option of exploring galleries near you or top rated galleries in the world. Showcasing the internationality of the app. UI testing gave us an idea of how to properly organize the structure of the application, providing the most positive user experience for MUGO's users. We understood the errors of our initial version of the application, which was focused only on the visual part.

Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. People think it’s this veneer – that the designers are handed this box and told “make it look good”. That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. Steve Jobs, US computer engineer & industrialist.

The company's founders are planning to further improve their service, and launch the app so we still have a lot of work to do on the application together. So stay tuned!

Date July, 2021
Type Mobile apps, Prototyping design, UX Design


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